Home Learning at Handsworth Grange Community Sports College
Here at Handsworth Grange Community Sports College we believe that study at home is vitally important for pupil attainment and progress. We also believe that it fosters independent learning skills, as well as allowing space and time for pupils to investigate and explore areas that they are interested in. Home learning at Handsworth Grange comes in a variety of formats and frequencies depending on the needs of the subject and the stage of pupil learning. Please find a document below that details all the home learning expectations, broken down by subject and year group (where relevant). From September 2023 all home learning set will be communicated to parents and carers using the SIMS ParentApp. This communication will include a home learning due date.
Accessing Home Learning
Home learning can come in many forms, not all will be delivered electronically. Please check your child's planner for details about a specific piece of home learning. You can also check their Microsoft Teams account for up and coming electronic assignments.
Home learning could be in the form of:
- Paper Booklet.
- Paper Worksheet.
- Research.
- Creative project
- Electronic assignment through Microsoft Teams.
- Electronic worksheet through email or Microsoft SharePoint.
- External website such as MyMaths, SENECA
To access electronic home learning scroll to the bottom of this page and click HGCSC LOGIN.
Your username is the same one you use to log on to a computer in school in an email format. Your password is also the one you use to log onto a school computer.
example jbloggs2 = jbloggs2@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
When you access a file in SharePoint it will open as a read only file. You will need to either select edit file or open in app (blue button in Word and option in grey bar on PP) to make changes to the document. It is then advisable to click FILE then SAVE AS, to save it to your home computer. You may also get the option to save to your very own OneDrive online storage. To do this double click on OneDrive then click save. Saving your work at the very start will prevent you from losing your work altogether.
Alternatively right click on any file and select download. This will automatically download to your computers download folder. To do this you will need to have Microsoft Office installed on your computer (see below).
To access your OneDrive account login at the bottom of this page and select OneDrive.
Your child will be given support with accessing Microsoft 365 during their IT and Computer Science lessons.
If you have an issue with logging in please contact ITServices@handsworth-mlt.co.uk. For issues relating to work please contact the individual departments.
To contact your subject teachers please use the following emails:
- English english@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Maths maths@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Science science@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Computer Science ict@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Creative Arts creativearts@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Geography geography@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Health & Social Care health@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- History history@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Modern Foreign Languages mfl@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- PE pe@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Sociology sociology@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
- Technology technology@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
Installing Microsoft Office
To access some of the home learning resources you may need to have Microsoft office installed on your computer.
If you do not have Microsoft installed you can download a free copy from our website. To download a free copy scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the HGCSC LOGIN
Your username is the same one you use to log on to a computer in school in an email format. Your password is also the one you use to log onto a school computer.
example jbloggs2 = jbloggs2@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
Once in, go to the top right hand corner and click install office. Follow the on screen instructions.
To access Word and PowerPoint on a tablet, download them from the App store and use your login details to sign in. You will then be able to edit and save any work to your OneDrive. You can also download Microsoft Teams and OneDrive apps as well. These will be especially useful for year 10 BTEC pupils.
Resources to support home learning
- The British Museum has made its online collections free to the public.
- The Natural History Museum has free virtual tours.
- The Tate Gallery has a 360-degree virtual tour online.
- View the latest exhibitions at The National Gallery virtual tours.
- Watch The Wind in the Willows stage production online.
- The Vatican has opened up its digital tours so the Sistine Chapel can be viewed.
- NASA Kids is perfect for space fans. Learn all about the universe we live in by viewing these online videos.
- Cartoon lessons on YouTube with Pete McKee.
- BBC iPlayer has many educational and arts and culture videos available for free.
- English National Balletwith live ballet lessons.
- Look at nature all around the world with Explore.
- Audible Stories has made all of its classic children’s stories free.
- Watch science experiments with Colorado University.
- For music lovers, there is a 21-day free trial to learn an instrument with Prodigies Music.
Free Online Educational Resources
Khan Academy
Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at secondary level. Note, this uses the U.S. grade system but it's mostly common material.
BBC Learning
This site is old and no longer updated and yet there's so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision. No TV licence required except for content
on BBC iPlayer.
Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from age 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account).
For those revising at GCSE or A level. Tons of free revision content. Paid access to higher level material.
Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some e.g. nature and environment courses could well be of
interest to young people.
Ted Ed
All sorts of engaging educational videos
Learn languages for free. Web or app.
Mystery Science
Free science lessons
The Kids Should See This
Wide range of cool educational videos
Crash Course
You Tube videos on many subjects
Crash Course Kids
As above for a younger audience
Crest Awards
Science awards you can complete from home.
iDEA Awards
Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online.
British Council
Resources for English language learning
Big History Project
Aimed at Secondary age. Multi disciplinary activities.
Geography Games
Geography gaming!
Activities and quizzes
This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures.
Exploratory science topics for today's world.
BBC Bitesize
Online learning resources for upper KS3 and KS4 topics.
Online learning resource with a 'seat' in a virtual classroom.
Problem-solving and reasoning activities.
Reading Eggs
App for reading activities, ages 2-14.
Award-winning STEM science and arts projects.
Muzzy BBC
Online languages learning.
National Deaf Children's Society
Finger-spelling and makaton
A wide range of subject and development-based learning resources.