Minerva Learning Trust


Good career guidance is about raising aspirations, aiming high and avoiding making any assumptions about the limits on a young person’s options. At Handsworth Grange Community Sports College, we passionately believe that every young person gets the advice they need, and that this advice is in their best interest. For some of our students, university via a sixth form may offer the best route after school. For others, technical routes or apprenticeships may be better. It’s about accepting that while some subjects- for example science and mathematics- may seem harder than others, they may open more doors. Our career guidance means showing all our students all the options open to them, whichever route they eventually take.

The HGCSC’s career programme follows the eight Gatsby Benchmarks as part of the Government’s Careers Strategy. To ensure evaluation is at the heart of our Careers Programme we use the Compass and Tracker digital tools from the Careers & Enterprise Company.


The named Careers Leader is Miss K Grapes and you can contact her on: kgrapes@handsworth-mlt.co.uk or 0114 2694801 ext 2210 

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