Our Local Governing Body is composed of Parent Governors (parents of students within the school) Staff Governors (staff currently in post at the school) and Co-opted Governors (members of the local community or people with skills and experience in particular areas). Over an academic year, our Local Governing Body meets half-termly to oversee, scrutinise and challenge on all aspects relating to the function of our school.
Our schools also have Lead Governors responsible for overseeing specific areas of the school. Our Lead Governors are:
Samantha Simpson - Safeguarding
Leah Barratt - Vulnerable Groups (including Pupil Premium)
Jacqui Dundas - SEND
Grant Walker - Careers
If you are interested in becoming one of our Governors you can find more information and apply through our Become a Minerva Governor page.
Attendance at Governing Body Meetings 2023-2024 – last academic year:
Jacqui Dundas T1 10/10/2023 Y - T2 05/12/2023 N - T3 06/02/2024 Y - T4 19/03/2024 N - T5 07/05/2024 Y - T6 02/07/2024 Y
Rajmin Haque T1 10/10/2023 Y - T2 05/12/2023 Y - T3 06/02/2024 Y - T4 19/03/2024 N - T5 07/05/2024 Y - T6 02/07/2024 Y
Ken Matthews T1 10/10/2023 Y - T2 05/12/2023 Y - T3 06/02/2024 Y - T4 19/03/2024 Y - T5 07/05/2024 Y - T6 02/07/2024 N
Lucy McGann T1 10/10/2023 Y - T2 05/12/2023 Y - T3 06/02/2024 Y - T4 19/03/2024 Y - T5 07/05/2024 Y - T6 02/07/2024 Y
Chloe Queen T1 10/10/2023 N/A - T2 05/12/2023 N/A - T3 06/02/2024 N/A - T4 19/03/2024 N/A - T5 07/05/2024 N/A - T6 02/07/2024 Y
Samantha Simson T1 10/10/2023 N/A - T2 05/12/2023 Y - T3 06/02/2024 Y - T4 19/03/2024 Y - T5 07/05/2024 Y - T6 02/07/2024 Y
Grant Walker T1 10/10/2023 Y - T2 05/12/2023 Y - T3 06/02/2024 Y - T4 19/03/2024 Y - T5 07/05/2024 Y - T6 02/07/2024 Y
Christiaan Hunt T1 10/10/2023 N - T2 05/12/2023 N - T3 06/02/2024 N - T4 19/03/2024 N - T5 07/05/2024 N - T6 02/07/2024 N/A
Brian Eaton T1 10/10/2023 N/A - T2 05/12/2023 N/A - T3 06/02/2024 N/A - T4 19/03/2024 Y - T5 07/05/2024 N/A - T6 02/07/2024 N/A
Governors who have resigned their term of office and stepped down within the last academic year:
Name: Lucy McGann Date of Appointment: 19/10/2021 Term of Office From-To: 19/10/2021-19/10/2025 Date Stepped Down: 02/07/2024 Governor Type: Parent Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: Started a new job working at Ecclesfield School April 2024
Name: Christiaan Hunt Date of Appointment: 05/12/2022 Term of Office From-To: 05/12/2022-05/12/2026 Date Stepped Down: 02/07/2024 Governor Type: Co-opted Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Brian Eaton Date of Appointment: 19/03/2024 Term of Office From-To: 19/03/2024-19/03/2028 Date Stepped Down: 07/05/2024 Governor Type: Co-opted Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Current Governors:
Name: Leah Barratt Date of Appointment: 01/09/2024 Term of Office From-To: 01/09/2024-01/09/2028 Governor Type: Co-opted Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Caroline Gray Date of Appointment: 01/09/2024 Term of Office From-To: 01/09/2024-01/09/2028 Governor Type: Co-opted Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Chloe Queen Date of Appointment: 07/05/2024 Term of Office From-To: 07/05/2024-07/05/2028 Governor Type: Staff Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Samantha Simpson Date of Appointment: 05/12/2023 Term of Office From-To: 05/12/2023-05/12/2027 Governor Type: Parent Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Ken Matthews Date of Appointment: 11/07/2023 Term of Office From-To: 11/07/2023-11/07/2027 Governor Type: Co-opted Chair of LGB Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Rajmin Haque Date of Appointment: 12/10/2022 Term of Office From-To: 12/10/2022-12/10/2026 Governor Type: Parent Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Jacqui Dundas Date of Appointment: 12/10/2022 Term of Office From-To: 12/10/2022-12/10/2026 Governor Type: Parent Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
Name: Grant Walker Date of Appointment: 27/09/2019 Term of Office From-To: 27/09/2019 -27/09/2027 Governor Type: Parent Business or Pecuniary Interest Declared 2023-2024: None
The Chair of the school governing body is Ken Matthews and can be contacted by email enquries@handsworth-mlt.co.uk.
Complaints regarding the school are to follow the Trust Complaints procedure Link MLT Statutory Information - Complaints Procedure and should not be made directly to the Chair of Governors.
Further information can be found on our Trust Governance page: Our Governance - Minerva Learning Trust