Minerva Learning Trust


At Handsworth Grange Community Sports College we promote an ethos of high expectations and high standards. We expect all our pupils to wear the correct uniform so they look smart, they are ready to learn and achieve and they are successful.

Our school supplier for uniform is Pinders situated in Crystal Peaks. Blazers, ties, jumpers, and PE tops must be purchased from Pinders.

We understand that some families may need support to purchase uniform items and we may be able to help with this. All requests will be considered on an individual basis. Please click on the link below to make a request and the school will be in touch with you.

help with uniform

We believe that our uniform will help:

  • To boost pupils’ self-esteem, confidence and stimulate pride in themselves and in the school
  • To prepare pupils for the world of work by embedding an understanding of responsibility and identity

The agreed uniform is as follows:

  • School blazer with school badge
  • White shirt - short or long sleeve
  • School tie 
  • Black trousers, black tailored shorts or black knee-length skirt
  • Plain black footwear (no coloured or white stripes, or edging is allowed)
  • Grey v-neck jumper with school logo (optional)
  • Black, white or grey socks
  • Black Kameeze or Shalwar (optional choice)
  • Black, grey, royal blue or white headscarf

Items of clothing that are not permitted include:

  • Jeans, leggings, combat trousers, harem pants, ¾ trousers, cycling shorts, sports shorts or tracksuit bottoms
  • Casual or fashion clothes
  • Hoodies (these should not be worn as coats or worn under blazers and will be removed from pupils until the end of the day if they are seen in school)
  • Hats
  • Fashion belts
  • Any non-plain black footwear as well as Ugg style boots, flip flops, high-heeled shoes
  • Headwear (except for religious reasons)

The full policy for uniform can be found on our website under:  

Statutory Information \ Policies \ Uniform Policy


For health and safety reasons there is a limit to the amount of jewellery that can be worn this includes:

  • One watch
  • One small ring and
  • One pair of stud earrings

Items of jewellery not permitted include:

  • Necklace (unless tucked away)
  • Hooped or fashion earrings
  • Big fashion bracelets
  • Excessive facial piercings are not acceptable for health and safety reasons


All pupils should bring the following equipment every day:

  • School bag big enough to hold an A4 folder
  • School planner
  • Pencil case filled with: pens, pencils, rubber, ruler
  • Scientific calculator
  • Reading book

PE Kit

Indoor Kit:

Royal blue Handsworth Grange Community Sports College PE polo shirt, navy blue shorts, navy or royal blue football socks, trainers (not pumps and preferably non-marking soles), planner, pencil case.

Please note: Pupils who wear tracksuit bottoms instead of shorts as their PE kit (as agreed by PE staff) must wear navy blue in line with PE kit colours.

Optional Extras for Outdoor PE:

Navy blue tracksuit bottoms, navy blue sweatshirt, football boots, shin pads.

Health & Safety for PE lessons:

  • Jewellery – Remove all jewellery/piercings (no taping up)
  • Hand valuables/phones in to PE staff for safe-keeping. PE accepts no responsibility for items damaged, lost or stolen during lessons
  • Laces must be tied correctly
  • Hair must be tied back /away from the face
  • No chewing in lessons at any time
  • If required, please bring inhalers /water into lessons
Accessibility Statement