Minerva Learning Trust


For more information on our school caterers, Taylor Shaw, please visit their website below:

Taylor Shaw

Pre-order Service

Following a review of the canteen provision by the school student council, the following change has been implemented:

Students wishing to pre-order items such as sandwiches, cookies, fresh fruit or drinks, are able to do so by completing an order form (see below). A student can complete this form before school, or any time up to the end of break, and place in one of the boxes. The boxes are in the dining hall, and main reception. This order will then be available for collection in the Dining Hall at lunchtime. No need to queue!

From Sept 2023, lunch breaks will be:

12:30 to 13:00 Lunch break for Y7, Y10 & Y11

13:35 to 14:05 Lunch break for Y8 & Y9


The menus change on a twice-yearly basis, and are displayed in the dining hall.

Please click below to download a copy of the Taylor Shaw menus.

2023-2024 Menus

2022-2023 Menus

Cashless Catering

Please find below some further information about the cashless catering system operating in school.

Accessibility Statement