"Welcome to our Safeguarding Page! The safety and well-being of our students are paramount at Handsworth Grange School. This page serves as a comprehensive resource dedicated to outlining our commitment to creating a secure and nurturing environment. Here, you will find information about our safeguarding policies, procedures, and initiatives designed to protect and support every member of our school community. We believe in fostering an atmosphere where students can thrive, free from harm, and we encourage parents, guardians, and staff to familiarise themselves with the resources provided. Together, let's ensure a safe and positive learning experience for all."
The School Safeguarding Lead
Designated Safeguarding Lead - Deputy Headteacher: Mrs G Hirst Gehirst@handsworth-mlt.co.uk

Designated Safeguarding Deputies:
Safeguarding and Inclusion Manager: Miss C Reeves, creeves@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
Safeguarding and Family Liaison Officer: Miss N Tuffnell, ntuffnell@handsworth-mlt.co.uk (maternity cover from Sept 2024)
Safeguarding and Family Liaison Officer: Mrs R Roberts, rroberts@handsworth-mlt.co.uk (maternity leave from Sept 2024)
Other key safeguarding contacts:
Designated Teacher of CLA: Mrs G Hirst, gehirst@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
Family Liaison Officer: Miss S Lewis, slewis@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
Safeguarding (including Online-safety)
All staff in school are fully trained and understand their responsibilities to ensure that pupils are safe and well cared for. Our dedicated Safeguarding team support this work and are available to pupils, staff, parents and carers should the need arise
Online safety co-ordinator: Mrs G Hirst Gehirst@handsworth-mlt.co.uk
Online Safety

At Handsworth Grange Community Sports College, we are committed to ensuring your child is fully aware of how to stay safe online. We ensure that your child knows what to do if they or their friends are exposed to any online threats. Teaching your child Online-safety is a vital part of the education we provide for all our pupils.
We also aim to ensure that all staff are familiar with Online Safety and adopt a consistent approach to dealing with related incidents and offering appropriate guidance to your child. All online activity within school is monitored through the school’s Smoothwall web filter. A weekly report is then produced and discussed through our safeguarding team.
The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children, and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children. We are therefore delighted to announce that HGCSC have shown our commitment to protecting our pupils online by working with National Online Safety- providing resources for all school staff, parents and carers.
The resources include staff and parent Online Safety Courses, Online Safety webinars, explainer videos & monthly updates, weekly platform guides, lesson plans and additional CPD courses. The resources cover a huge range of Online Safety topics including:
- Online Relationships
- Fake Profiles & Social Bots
- Online Bullying
- Online Grooming
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Sexual Harassment & Violence
- Sexting
- Live Streaming
- Online Identity
- Screen Addiction
- Online Challenges
- Overspending
- Social Media Platforms
- Online Gambling
- Radicalisation, Terrorism & Extremism
- Age Inappropriate Content
- Copyright & Ownership
- Hacking
- Fake News
- Online Fraud
- Online Reputation
- Personal Data
- Pornography
- Targeted Adverts & Pop-Ups
- The Dark Web
- Games & Trends
To create your account, please follow National Online Safety and complete your details. When you’re set up, you’ll be able to set ‘Parent/Carer’ as your user type.
You can access National Online Safety online via any device- including via their brand-new smartphone app. To download the app, please go to:
Answers to frequently asked questions and customer service can be accessed at https://helpdesk.thenationalcollege.co.uk/helpcentre
If you would like more information on this topic, you can also visit the following websites:
NOS Parent/Carer Guides
For more parent/carer guides please sign up to National Online Safety

Private Fostering
It is a legal requirement for a parent/carer to inform the local authority if they are in a private fostering arrangement so they know the child is safe. Private fostering is when a child or young person is looked after for more than 28 days by someone who is not their parent, legal guardian or close relative.
To find out about the support available to private foster carers and why you must let the local authority know of the arrangements, contact the Connected Persons Team:
Telephone: 0114 273 6489
Email: ConnectedPersons@sheffield.gov.uk
Website: www.sheffield.gov.uk/privatefostering
Alternatively please inform your child's form tutor or Head of Year and we will inform the local authority.