Minerva Learning Trust



Attendance Matters: Make every day count…

At Handsworth Grange Community Sports College pupils attending school for 190 days in any year will achieve 100% attendance; this will leave 175 days for holidays.

Please help us to help your child achieve their full academic potential and progress by ensuring they are in school each school day for 8.35 when our first bell rings, the school day starts at 8.40, this is when we expect our students in their form room for the start of the day. If a student arrives after 8.40am, they will be issued with a 20-minute same day detention.

For your child's safety and education, please keep us updated with any information that means your child is not in school.

Attendance and the Law

Parents have a legal responsibility to make sure their child gets a full time education and that they are present and punctual for each school day. The Local Authority meet regularly with school around pupils with low attendance. School attendance is expected to be a minimum of 97%, with parents whose child is falling below 92% at risk of:

  • Being issued with a fixed penalty notice of £120.00 (£60.00 if paid within 21 days) 
  • Being fined up to £2500 or imprisoned
  • Having a parenting order, this would mean attending a parenting class 

Holidays in Term time

Parents do not have the right to take their child out of school for holidays during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances. Any absence without agreement will be classed as unauthorised and will go down on your child's record. Unauthorised absences can lead to fixed penalty notices and/or prosecution. Exceptional circumstances do not include discounted holidays.

To find out more about the government changes visit www.education.gov.uk.

What must I do if I want to request exceptional leave during term time?

A request for exceptional term time leave form, available from the main school reception, MUST be completed and returned to the main school office at least 20 school days before the expected leave. School will inform you of the outcome only if term time leave has been agreed. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you wish to discuss this further.

Please be aware that the family of schools is working closely together to tackle unacceptable term time leave and there is a consistent approach from across the schools. Fines will be issued where leave is not deemed exceptional.

Please be aware that the Attendance Managers make regular visits to pupils homes when there is a prolonged pattern of absence, even if we receive notification that a child is ill.

Attendance & Punctuality Q & A

What if my child is ill?

Please call the school attendance line on 0114 254 2685 each day your child is absent, before 9.00am if possible, and tell us why your child is absent.

What if my child arrives late?

If your child arrives late to school they must sign in at the main school reception before going to their class, so they are accounted for in case of fire or other emergency. Arriving late, beyond 8.40am will result in a 20 minute same day after school detention.

What about a medical appointment?

Where possible these should be made after school or in the school holidays. Alternatively try and make the appointment for the beginning or end of the school day in order that your child can achieve their attendance target. Collect your child shortly before the appointment and return afterwards where possible. You must call school to inform the attendance team of the appointment otherwise your child will be unable to sign out. You can also send a note in your child's planner to enable them to easily get out of their lesson. An appointment card, letter or text needs to be shown to the attendance team to allow the absence to be authorised. Please do not allow full days learning to be lost because of a short medical appointment.

Absence alerts

The school will send out a text to parents whose child is absent from school where absence has not been reported. This is a safeguarding measure to ensure all the young people have arrived safely. Please help us by contacting school and informing us immediately if your child is not going to be in school and the reason for absence. If you receive a text alert please respond immediately. Please help us by ensuring all your contact details are up to date especially mobile phone numbers, we know that these change regularly and we are not always informed.

As an additional safeguarding measure where absence is unreported, a member of staff from school will carry out a home visit to establish the reasons for absence.

Attendance Letters and Support

The attendance team will send out letters regularly to inform parents/carers when attendance falls below the school expectation of 97%. This is so you are aware of your child's attendance level and that they cannot afford further absences from school. Medical evidence is required for absence to be authorised by the school.

Where attendance continues to be a concern, our education welfare officer will look to meet with parents/carers to discuss these issues.

School want to help and support our pupils and families, so please inform us if there are any issues or concerns that are impacting on school attendance. 

The attendance champion for school is Mrs Hirst.

2024-2025 School Holidays

Mon 28 Oct to Fri 1 Nov 2024 - October Half-term

Mon 23 Dec 2024 to Fri 3 Jan 2025 - Christmas

Mon 17 Feb to Fri 21 Feb 2025 - February Half-term

Mon 31 Mar to Fri 11 Apr 2025 - Easter

Fri 18 Apr 2025 Bank Holiday / Good Fri

Mon 21 Apr 2025 Bank Holiday / Easter Mon

Mon 5 May 2025 - Bank Holiday / May Day

Mon 26 May to Fri 30 May 2025 - Spring Bank / May Half-term

2024-2025 - Days pupils are not expected in school

Inset Days x5: Mon 2 Sept 2024, Tue 3 Sept 2024, Thu 26 Sept 2024, Mon 2 Dec 2024, Fri 31 Jan 2025

Whole Trust Conference Day: Fri 29 Nov 2024

Please see below for dates of Sheffield City Council school holidays: