Our mission is to provide an exceptional education for every student, every day. To achieve our mission we will:
- Provide a broad and balanced curriculum that challenges everyone.
- Provide care and support to break down barriers to learning.
- Improve our students' vocabulary, comprehension and reading skills.
- Demand high levels of progress and achievement from all students.
We are fully inclusive and have a strong family ethos. We have been awarded as a Centre of Excellence for financial education and we strive to improve the financial skills of all our students. Our aim is to help them achieve a goal of becoming independently financially capable. Our student population is diverse and we celebrate our beliefs and cultures which creates a rich, vibrant atmosphere. We have high expectations of everyone, staff and students alike, and work hard to develop positive relationships to create a firm sense of togetherness. In doing so we promote the following values. Together we will:
- Be Brave
- Be Kind
- Be Present
We founded the Minerva Learning Trust. As part of that role we work collaboratively and share best practice with other schools in the Trust.
Our students are approachable and friendly. Please come and see for yourself; we welcome visitors to the school.