Minerva Learning Trust


Minerva Learning Trust is looking to recruit Local Governors to help us build and deliver our strategic mission, vision, and values. 

Our Local Governors work with Headteachers and school leaders to develop effective working relationships through which support and challenge can be provided openly, courteously, and respectfully.  The Central Team, Chairs of Local Governing Bodies, and the Trust Board, alongside our Trust Governance CPD program, provide support for Local Governors. 

What does a Local Governor do?

Working alongside the Headteacher and senior leaders, the Local Governor's role is to support the Local Governing Body in having a strategic overview of the running of the school, to review and monitor progress made against the School Development Plan, be a critical friend to the Headteacher and assist in making valuable decisions in relation to school life, with the students teaching and learning, safeguarding and wellbeing at the forefront. 

Local Governors have a responsibility to students, staff, parents/carers, and the local community to ensure their school meets the needs of all stakeholders. 

As a Local Governor, you are making a direct contribution to the education, welfare, and future of each young person in our community.  You have the opportunity to scope and influence a positive path. 

In return for your participation, the role of a Local Governor provides opportunities for you to enhance your personal skillset, by developing your negotiation, teamwork, and other sought-after professional skills.  

Our requirements

This is not a task to be taken lightly, which is why we expect a high level of commitment to  support each through regular attendance at   Local Governing Body meetings, reading of documents ahead of each meeting, and, occasionally, assisting in student attendance and behaviour panels, staff hearings , and other working groups.

We seek highly skilled Local Governors who can actively participate, act proactively, and address often difficult and sensitive questions in the strictest of confidence.  A Local Governor must be willing to work collaboratively, able to work with others , and willing to constructively contribute to the school and Trust. 

We continually seek to improve the demographic of our governance to ensure that we improve the outcomes and experiences for our students, parents/carers, staff, and the communities we serve.  We recognise the positive value of diversity, promoting equality and challenging discrimination.  We encourage applications from people of all backgrounds. 

The composition of our Local Governing Bodies includes a requirement to have a minimum of two Parent Governors, as such, we welcome and encourage applications from parents/carers of our students, where these specific vacancies arise.  We also require no fewer than one elected Staff Governor and welcome applications from our teaching and support staff, as the need arises.

How to apply

Please download our Governor Guidance Pack below and read our testimonials for additional information on becoming a Local Governor. 

To register your interest in a Local Governor role within the Minerva Learning Trust’s family of schools, please complete our expression of interest form.  All information is treated in line with our privacy policy.  

Accessibility Statement